I have a huge interest and love for music, I wouldn't particularly say I excel at any particular instrument, but I love to go to theatres to listen to music, I have a huge love for Irish traditional music.
I am currently studying to become a children's nurse. I am very passionate about working in the healthcare field. I have two brothers who have additional needs which has been my biggest driving force to becoming a nurse. I am a very caring and compassionate person and a huge advocate for mental health.
I have an extensive amount of experience working in the healthcare field. I have recently undergone training in Manual handling, fire safety, equality training, fraud awareness, risk management etc. I have certificates to prove completion.
I have worked in a dementia led care home. I have worked as a speech and language assistant. I also have two brothers with additional needs that I have also taken care of throughout my life.
I have been told frequently that I am a great listener. I have a number of friends who suffer with mental health and they have all came to me in times of need as they can trust me as I am a great listener and a compassionate, caring friend.
My availability would be:
Monday - from 4pm onwards.
Tuesday - from 4:30pm onwards.
Wednesday - All day, afternoon & evening.
Thursday - 17:45pm onwards.
Friday - All day, afternoon & evening.
I am also willing to work Saturdays and Sundays. I'm also available to work late in the evenings past 7pm.