home care in Telford

Private Care near Telford - Stefanie

Near Telford

I have 3 years home support worker experience. I have supported older people in their own homes. I helped with preparing food and cooking and also with going out and about in the community and with housekeeping around the house.

I also have personal experience supporting and caring for my nan, she was living with dementia after having a stroke in 2017.

Outside of work I enjoy cooking and baking and I like reading and walking my 2 dogs.

Availability: Days

If you’re in the Telford or Shrewsbury area and are looking for a private carer contact us to arrange for Stefanie to pop round to meet your family.

📞 07792939454


Private Care in Telford - Claire



My name is Claire I have experience in care for a number of years.

I love learning about dementia and have completed qualifications and training in this area of work and loved every minute.

I get joy out of working with people who are living with dementia, the understanding and acceptance, the ability to provide quality care.

I see myself as a very caring woman, I have good communication skills the ability to use my own initiative, working effectively and accurately under pressurised conditions.

Personal qualities I have make me suitable for caring, my ability to build good relationships, I am a great listener as well as being patient and caring.

I have completed the following qualifications and training:

Equality and diversity.
My qualifications 
Level 3 Dementia care leadership program 
Level 2 Team leadership 
Level 2 Emergency first aid at work
Level 2 Mental health 
Level 2 Dementia care
Level 2 Health and Social care

I enjoy spending time with my family and going away in our caravan with our pet dog Alfie.

Availability: Monday to Friday I can work from the hours of 9.00am to 4.30pm.

£23/hr for 1 hour visits. £20/hr for 2 hour visits. £16.70/hr for 6 hour+ visits.

If you’re in the Telford area and looking for a private carer, contact us to arrange for Claire to pop round to meet your family.


Private Care in Telford - Samantha

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I'm Samantha, I am a private carer in Telford.

I have personal experience in care after looking after my dad for 2 years, he had COPD.

I also professional care experience working days and nights. I have completed the level 2 qualification in care and I always work to the best of my ability.

Where I’ve worked in the past people said I'm good at listening and interacting with people.

My hobbies are looking after my cats and making pompoms for them to play with, I like arts and crafts!

Availability: I'm looking at 25/30 hours a week.

£23/hr for 1 hour visits. £20/hr for 2 hour visits. £16.70/hr for 6 hour+ visits.

If you’re in the Telford area and looking for a private carer, contact us to arrange for Samantha to pop round to meet your family.


Private home care in Telford - Victoria

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Tell us about you! 

I love animals, I feel very passionate about taking care of them, I have 3 cats and a duck plus chickens. I’m very creative and enjoy making things especially on my children’s birthdays dressing the living room full of balloons etc is something I look forward to.

I’m very outgoing and like to enjoy mother nature, just seeing seasons especially autumn is a feel good factor for me, I’m very chatty and get on very easily with people.

If can help someone or even bring a smile to there face then I have done my job correctly.

I have a lot of experience with the general public and being a carer, I have experience with residential and home care and also private care.

I’m a British born woman, and lived in the uk my whole life, I converted to Islam 14 years ago and follow the Muslim faith, my husband is British born but of Pakistani ethnicity we have 4 children together

I’m very open to other religions and to those who don’t follow, I’m not a judgmental person and feel you live your life whatever makes you happy. My motto is just to respect and be kind to each other.

Availability: I can work nights, early mornings till 2pm and after 6pm but can’t work weekends.

Contact us here to arrange for Victoria to pop round to meet with you or your loved one…

📞 07792939454



The CareChooser difference…

Our carer has been brilliant, very supportive, caring, knowledgeable & flexible. She communicates with me, which is key, we have a good relationship. I wouldn’t be able to cope with the ongoing situation without her help & support. She was definitely a fantastic find.
— Christine Nicholls

Private home care in Telford - Rebecca

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Tell us about you! 

Rebecca enjoys going on long walks and she also enjoys reading in her spare time, she says it really helps the mind!

Rebecca has experience in care, she has been supporting people living with many different conditions in a nursing home for 1 year and 6 months.

Rebecca is available for night care or care during the day.

Contact us here to arrange for Rebecca to pop round to meet with you or your loved one…

📞 07792939454



The CareChooser difference…

Our carer has been brilliant, very supportive, caring, knowledgeable & flexible. She communicates with me, which is key, we have a good relationship. I wouldn’t be able to cope with the ongoing situation without her help & support. She was definitely a fantastic find.
— Christine Nicholls

Private home care near Telford - Sally

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Tell us about you!

My name is Sally. I am married with four teenage children. Originally I trained as a nursery nurse working both as a nanny and with special needs children in school. While my own children were small I enjoyed being a stay at home mum. I’ve always enjoyed making my home an inviting place and love baking, sewing etc. 

I am a very calm and caring person who enjoys listening to older people and learning from their wisdom and experience. I enjoy volunteering for a children’s charity and until recently I worked at the Faux Flower outlet and coffee shop at Ruckley.

I have cared for my own four children meeting the challenges both of having small children and teenagers. My parents are in relatively good health but two years ago my mother was involved in a serious car accident. They live in an annex to our home and I was involved in looking after her at that time as well as providing meals washing clothes etc for her and my father as well as just being there to sit on the bed and talk to her during a time when she was very low.

Availability: Part time

Any other information?: I am particularly interested in the role in Tibberton as I drive into Newport to collect my son from Adams Grammar each day.

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Private home care in Telford - Jane

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Tell us about you!

I have two dogs so love walking them daily. I am a member of the National Trust so our local Attingham Park is a regular place I visit. I like to read romantic novels although don’t always have time.

Baking is a nice occasional treat for our family and I enjoy watching cooking programmes. My children are quite active so I am a constant supporter of their sports which have included rugby, football, rowing and basketball. I also like to craft, only small things like Christmas items.

I have worked for our local Carers Centre who support unpaid Carers for over four years. My role was to arrange respite activities and run support groups. I love to engage with people and provide a listening ear. I am also a foster carer and have been for six years so am resilient, have a sense of humour and am flexible.

Availability: I am available for most weekday daytime hours, I am available for around 15 hours a week.

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Private home care in Telford - Shara

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Trench, Telford

Tell us about you!

I am interested in fitness and sport. I love dogs and have 3 myself. I love long walks and cycling. I love to watch films and read and I like long drives.

I have worked for the last 3 years in the police. I have had to look after, help the most vulnerable people in their moments of need.

It really inspired me to help and make a difference to people’s lives and I’d like to help provide care and support to people to make a difference also.

Availability: Anytime

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Private home care in Telford - Connie

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Stirchley, Telford

Tell us about you!

I enjoy interacting with people, listening to their stories, being helpful.
I like watching TV, especially documentaries and comedies and listening to music.
I love children, nature and animals especially dogs. 
I love being active and used to attend gym classes when able to!

I have been working as a care support worker for vulnerable adults for over five years in their own homes (community support), in sheltered accommodation, in nursing homes and I have also supported young adults with learning disabilities. 

Availability: 10 - 20 hours - On Thursday 3rd December I will fly back home to Telford from Croatia. As soon as I will get the Covid test result I’ll be ready to visit.

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Private home care in Telford - Chloe

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Wellington, Telford

Tell us about you!

I find comfort in being at home and I love being around my family but I also enjoy travelling, and I've been fortunate enough to visit many places in the last few years. I have a Springer Spaniel called Nellie who loves being outdoors and I enjoy venturing out with her.

I'm currently studying Science at college 3 days a week and I'm also casually learning British Sign Language, as you can probably tell I love to keep my mind busy by learning new skills. I also love to read, especially James Patterson books.

I know I am an inexperienced applicant but the COVID pandemic has made me realise how lonely life can be, especially in the absence of relatives and I really believe that nobody should be alone. I'm very grateful for the family I have who have helped get through these very long months but I'm also aware that not everybody has this support system and I would love to give some of this support back to those who need it.

I may not have the qualifications or training in this area of work but I do think I have the right personality for the role and I am willing to work as hard as I need to, to be a great carer.

Availability: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Any other information?: My current availability is 3 days a week however I am leaving my full time job in 3 weeks time in order to work in the care sector so will be available more days from December 21st.

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Private home care in Telford - Lynne

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Tell us about you!

I have just turned 50 and moved from London to Horsehay 23 years ago. I am a real people person hence always having worked as a receptionist and then starting my mobile beauty business for the more mature.

I recently started jogging and I walk my dog twice a day. I love being with my family and outdoors.

I have personal experience having cared for my 95 year old nan who was living with dementia until she went into residential care. I also had clients living with dementia when I had my beauty business.

Availability: Monday to Friday. Max 3hrs day

Private home care in Lawley village, Telford - Therese

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Tell us about you!

I enjoy spending time with my family, swimming and walking my French bulldog Bruce.

I have worked in care for over 30 years, a job I enjoy very much. I always do the job as I would want to be looked after myself with respect and dignity and I find it very rewarding.

I have many years experience with people living with dementia, brain injuries etc etc. I have my NVQ level 2 care certificate and a lot of training; manual handling etc.

Availability: Very flexible

Any other information?: I’m just looking for few hours a week, mornings and evenings sound ideal.

Private home care in Telford, TF2 - Shana

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Tell us about you!

I like socialising, and meeting new people. A keen interest of mine is art and I pursue this through drawing and painting and by visiting art galleries at home and abroad.  

I’m an enthusiastic, positive and personable individual and have a good determined work ethic. I’m polite, courteous and professional.

I have personal experience working for and supporting a family member. I have completed the health and social care level 2 qualification. I also have experience shadowing a professional carer and assisting in completing administrative tasks, social support, personal care. I supported with companionship services, holiday, home care and with supported living services.

I also have experience as a pharmaceutical dispenser during Covid -19 and have completed the National Pharmacy Association (2020) Certificate.

Availability: Monday-Friday. Can work weekends if needed. Looking for hours of 16 / 26 hours a week

Private home care in Wrockwadine Wood, Telford, TF2 - Francesca

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Tell us about you!

I have a 4 year old, who loves bike rides and walks in the woods so we do a lot of this! I personally love cooking and baking!

I have experience in care, within care homes and domiciliary care too. My position entailed a number of responsibilities such as feeding, personal care, hoisting and moving, ensuring care plans are complete etc.

I also have personal experience of care having cared for my mother when she was very poorly too. 

I am looking for something that is part time, I love caring for people as I get such a good feeling from it!

Availability: Every day morning and evening - after 9am in the morning.

Any other information?: I am available from 9am every weekday morning after I have taken my son to school - Around 9:15am. I am available any time in the evening.