Private home care in Telford - Jane

Jane - Private home care in Telford.png


Tell us about you!

I have two dogs so love walking them daily. I am a member of the National Trust so our local Attingham Park is a regular place I visit. I like to read romantic novels although don’t always have time.

Baking is a nice occasional treat for our family and I enjoy watching cooking programmes. My children are quite active so I am a constant supporter of their sports which have included rugby, football, rowing and basketball. I also like to craft, only small things like Christmas items.

I have worked for our local Carers Centre who support unpaid Carers for over four years. My role was to arrange respite activities and run support groups. I love to engage with people and provide a listening ear. I am also a foster carer and have been for six years so am resilient, have a sense of humour and am flexible.

Availability: I am available for most weekday daytime hours, I am available for around 15 hours a week.

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