Private home care in Telford - Chloe

Chloe - Private home care in Telford.PNG

Wellington, Telford

Tell us about you!

I find comfort in being at home and I love being around my family but I also enjoy travelling, and I've been fortunate enough to visit many places in the last few years. I have a Springer Spaniel called Nellie who loves being outdoors and I enjoy venturing out with her.

I'm currently studying Science at college 3 days a week and I'm also casually learning British Sign Language, as you can probably tell I love to keep my mind busy by learning new skills. I also love to read, especially James Patterson books.

I know I am an inexperienced applicant but the COVID pandemic has made me realise how lonely life can be, especially in the absence of relatives and I really believe that nobody should be alone. I'm very grateful for the family I have who have helped get through these very long months but I'm also aware that not everybody has this support system and I would love to give some of this support back to those who need it.

I may not have the qualifications or training in this area of work but I do think I have the right personality for the role and I am willing to work as hard as I need to, to be a great carer.

Availability: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Any other information?: My current availability is 3 days a week however I am leaving my full time job in 3 weeks time in order to work in the care sector so will be available more days from December 21st.

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