home care in Redruth

Private home carer in Redruth - Mel

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Mel has various animals including horses, she enjoys watching movies and also enjoys being busy.

Mel has been in and out of care work for about 30 years, she enjoys helping people and making a difference in their lives, she currently holds City and Guilds care certificate.

What Mel Says:

A lot of my clients say that I put them at ease and they feel safe with me and that I am easy to get on with.

Availability: Various

Any other information?: I currently work 5 days one week with a 3 hour break during the working day and two days the following week. Would be happy to discuss my availability and how I/we could fit things to make them work.

Contact us here to arrange for Mel to pop round to meet with you or your loved one…

📞 07792939454


Private home care in Lanner, Redruth - Alicia

Alicia - private home care in Lanner, Redruth.png

Lanner near Redruth

Tell us about you!

A particular passion of mine is horses. I find that they’re extremely therapeutic and I find nothing but happiness around them. I also love being creative with my little girl, painting and drawing.

I have personal experience of care observing and helping to support my partner’s grandparents care for their son who is living with Multiple Sclerosis. Unfortunately he passed away in November 2019. Although I didn’t do a lot, I did learn a fair bit and when I did help I found that I enjoyed it.

I’m an extremely happy young lady who is always happy to help others. I’m chatty, fun and always work to my best standards.

Availability: I’m available to work mornings or evenings.