Private carer in Bromley - Becci

Rebecca - private home care in Bromley.png


Tell us about you!

My name is Rebecca but like to be called Becci. I'm 37 years old and I live in bromley. I have 2 children 1 of them is disabled so hobbies are not at the top of my list to be honest.

My children are only just getting to the age where I can actually have hobbies and allocate some spare time for myself. I love to read and cook. We like to go on walks, swimming and spending time with family. I love decorating so I’m forever changing our home which drives my partner crazy!

I have personal experience of caring and support, I cared for my son for 15 years. I also have a elderly mother who I look after her as well. I make sure she’s eating properly and bulk cook her meals for her freezer, make sure she is getting some form of exercise and fresh air. 

My children are getting older now and do not need me 24/7 and would just like to get some independence back and a bit of pocket money for myself and I feel this would help me a lot.

Availability: Monday - Friday 12pm till 3pm.