Private Care in Chester - Anne



I am a private home carer in Chester. I have personal experience caring for both my parents and an aunt in their final years, and I also have professional experience caring for an elderly lady living in with her.

I’ve also recently been caring for a lady in Chester.

Prior to this my career has been as a musician and teacher.

I enjoy cooking, gardening, looking after people, animals, walking, cycling, exploring the countryside, old houses, and anything to do with the CofE church.

Anne is warm, generous, compassionate, sensitive and helpful.
— Rev. Carty

Anne has been absolutely fantastic with mum. We have been so very touched by the care and consideration she has shown my mum.

She is 100 percent a true asset to your team of carers.
— Gervaise, Chester

Availability: Currently available. Weekdays 9am - 5pm


If you’re in the Chester area and are looking for a private carer, contact us to arrange for Anne to pop round to meet your family.