CareChooser | Local Private Home Carers

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Private home care in Upper Beeding near Worthing.

Near Worthing

Tell us about you!

I am a very active person, I enjoy the outdoors and keeping busy. I like running and attending the gym and also love to play squash. I’m a dog lover and I am lucky to live with 2 German short haired pointers who I take out regularly. I’m very friendly and outgoing and love to spend time with family and friends.

At the moment I am currently a 999 call handler for the ambulance service. The job is very demanding and has opened my eyes massively to people’s daily needs and requirements. I find the job rewarding but not as much as it could be…

Many of our calls do come from elderly patients who are alone and have no support and could be having a minor problem such as having trouble with medications. As the call is 999 it pains me to have to rush the conversations with these callers as I do find these the most rewarding.

Knowing that some of these callers haven’t spoken to anyone or interacted with another human being for a lengthy period of time and all they desire is that interaction. Knowing I have made a small difference to their day, just by having a quick conversation with them makes me so happy and this is why I would like to work with you and be able to build on what I have already achieved.

Availability: Flexible

📞 07792939454