Live in care in Southsea - Christine
Tell us about you!
I enjoy baking and I sometimes bake for people’s birthdays and celebrations. My other hobbies include taking long walks and cooking.
During my 5 years of experience in the care sector, I have become very interested in helping vulnerable adults and children and making a positive difference in their lives. Knowing that the help I offer helps improve their quality of life brings me great joy and satisfaction and this is something that interests me the most in my work life.
I have 5-6 years of experience in the care sector with various forms of training such as manual handling, medication training and many more…
I find that people often appreciate the help and support given to them in their own homes more and they feel more supported than in bigger care settings which is why I think an opportunity in live in care would be a great opportunity for me.
Availability: I can work on any day of the week.